Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Much needed update.

So, I fail at life...having not updated my dear blog in what seems like an AGE. I did start to write a Sonisphere review but then got waylaid and now it seems vaguely irrelevant. I'll just cover that one with the guarantee that it really was one the best weekends of my life. One of the smelliest and most sleep-deprived, yes...but all that pain was well worth it.

In the time I have been away from my blog, I have also been abroad - to the Dominican Republic no less. When I've finally got my butt into gear and uploaded the holiday snaps, I might blog about my wonderful Carribean holiday in more detail. Yes, I do need photos for that. ;)

So now I suppose we're back in the present. I spent this past weekend in Nottingham, staying in the house that will soon be my home for the coming year. It was tons of fun and makes me so excited to move in properly in a couple of weeks. Somehow, without my even realising it, I feel like I've started to grow up. Soon I'll actually be required to look after myself...cooking, cleaning etc etc. But, that thought doesn't fill me with the amount of dread that I expected. Lord help me, I'm becoming something close to a mature adult. Whatever next?!

Please note the 'something close'. Yesterday I did something equally out of character, but not quite so sensible and mature, blowing quite a bit of money doing some internet shopping. Along with some My Passion and Dead By April tickets, I purchased the following:

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

I know, I'm far too cool.

Adios! x