Sunday, 28 March 2010

Wet Beaches and Dry Martinis

Hero: a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal (

A hero is someone who you look up to and admire, a personal hero being someone who you aspire to be like, perhaps, or just who has had an impact upon your life. Heroes come in many shapes and sizes. Family and friends are the obvious choices, and perhaps some inspiring historical figure (though that is slightly less personal, I guess). For me, my family and friends are obviously an inspiration and are obviously heroes to me, but a special mention also goes to 4 simply amazing guys, who have actually led to me meeting some of the best friends ever.


Yesterday, I was lucky enough to see Madina Lake, yet again. Queuing up outside a venue with a bunch of people you originally met online, or (in fact) you haven't really met at all yet, may not seem like everyone's idea of fun. For me, though, there really is nothing better. The days I spend queuing, followed by the nights I spend gigging, are some of my very favourites. At a gig, I can be completely myself. Everything else is forgotten, I'm totally free. And that is due to Madina Lake. It may seem crazy for some people, but Madina Lake really are a huge part of my life. Most of my money seems to go on them, a lot of my friends I've met through them, and without them I wouldn't be the person I am today. I genuinelly cannot find the words to describe how being at one of their gigs feels, or even just listening to their music. There are no words to possibly explain how much they mean to me. They teach about respect, about not judging others, and they can relate to a lot of things that I, and many others, go through etc. On top of that, they are some of the most lovely, and hilarious, people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

This post hasn't been the most articulate, but sometimes words just aren't enough. Really, I'm just giving a massive shout out to the River People, and telling everyone who my personal heroes are. You may not get it, but don't diss it.

RPs for life. <3

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