Thursday, 1 July 2010

For Matthew.

I don't even know what to say. Some of the worst news in a long time has just reached me, and I suddenly feel so lazy for having my lie in and hearing about it so much later. Just. Ohmygod.

I have so little faith in humanity right now. So little faith in the world. Yet so so so much faith in certain people. It fills me with happiness to know that there are some people who do give a damn. The thing is, in a world full of hate and pain and violence, is that seemingly small group of people enough? I guess it has to be.


This man, Matthew Leone, is one person whom I have the utmost faith in. He is one person who will do anything to help you out. He is amazing. And guess what? He's paying for it. Where is the justice in that? One of my heroes, one of the nicest, truest people out there is currently lying in a hospital bed, a third of his skull removed, fighting for his life. And why? Because he cared. He saw a woman being abused, and tried to help.

I try so hard to make sense of this world, but it seems it just won't make sense. All I can do is try my best to live in it, and be the best person I can be. For Matthew, if for no-one else. The response to this event from fellow River People has been amazing. It has been so beautiful and strong, and reminds me of all the good out there. But it only helps a fraction with the pain and anger inside me right now. This sort of thng should not happen. It should not have happened to that poor woman, and it should not have happened to Matthew.

I do not know what else to say. I don't even know if what I have said makes any sense at all. But I needed to write. I needed to respond to this in my own way.

Please, Matthew, keep fighting. Stay strong. Get better soon.

All my love to Madina, their friends, their families and, as always, the ever-amazing River People. <3

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