Tuesday, 14 September 2010

We're those kids.

My friend and fellow River Creep tagged me in this picture on Facebook. It struck me how true it is. <3


I think I'll print it when I get the chance, and put it up in my room. My new room, in my new student house. It's looking good so far, a lot more homey now I've got posters and pictures and postcards etc up on the walls, and all my lovely figures on display.


In other news, True Blood is EPIC. I watched the last episode of the third series last night, and can I say 'wow'?! As my friend rightly said, Eric even manages to be sexy covered in cement. I for one cannot wait for the next series.


1 comment:

  1. It is a true skill to look sexy covered in cement. There is many words to describe that man but I will settle on the following:


